When he meets his ex in a cafe....

Short story 'When There's a Question You Cannot Ask Without Destroying Everything' selected and published in the #FlashFlood for 2024's National Flash Fiction Day
'When There's a Question You Cannot Ask Without Destroying Everything'

I was delighted that a short story of mine was selected by the 2024 National Flash Fiction Day judges for inclusion in the #FlashFlood. Throughout 15 June, story after story was published on the NFFD dedicated website, in a 'flood' of flash fiction.

The story actually had its beginnings over a decade ago. Trawling through older writings, I rediscovered it, and in the last couple of years I've had a hard copy among my work-in-progress, teasing me for reconsideration. This year I added more backstory and layering (and therefore words) and had a reasonable first draft of a longer story. Then came the National Flash Fiction Day announcement and I took out the red pen and the scissors. I pruned the story to the required length and submitted it (as one of two stories) to the judges. I'm delighted it was taken - although I do suspect that one day I'll succumb to the temptation to turn this from a flash piece into something longer. I like the characters I created and want to see more of them...

What's the story about? A man meets his ex-wife in a deli that they used to frequent. He has a hidden agenda. To find out more, check out the story on the NFFD/#FlashFlood site: "When there's a question..."